RCA Monday Letter: November 1811/18/2024 The Good Lord blessed us with rain; the weather is a bit cooler today. This is a good start for a great week. Are you ready for Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for? Today, I think about our RCA students. I am thankful for the relationships I have with them. Seeing our students increase in knowledge through academics and watching them grow in their admonition for Jesus has always been such a blessing to me. Parents, thank you for choosing RCA!
Canned Food Drive We are in the final week of the RCA Canned Food Drive. All food collected will be given away with the 55 turkeys RBC has purchased. It is a blessing to see students care for those they don’t know. I shared with our staff and students that a can of food is a wonderful blessing to someone who doesn’t have much. We have a friendly competition going on between the classes. The class that collects the most canned food and non-perishable food will win a pizza party and 2 weeks of getting to wear jeans. Field Trip Parents, if your child is riding in the van, please make sure they have their safety seat. Texas law requires children younger than eight years old, unless they are taller than 4 feet 9 inches, to be secured in a child safety seat whenever they ride in a vehicle. Noon Early Release This Friday is an early release day. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up at noon. Teachers will only be on till noon. RCA Thanksgiving Holiday Break October 25-29 is our Thanksgiving Holiday break. School will resume on December 2. We hope and pray everyone has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving! In His service, JR Regalado
Weekly Letter November 12th11/11/2024 Happy Monday!
It’s crazy to think Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I try to reflect on what I am thankful for. Today and every day, I am thankful for our RCA teachers and staff. Our staff cares about our RCA students, and their love for them goes beyond your child's academics, they are selfless, they put in a lot of effort to meet the students' needs, and most importantly, they all share a desire for our RCA students to have a relationship with Jesus. Field Trips If you have received a field trip permission form, please return it to your child’s teacher. Students who do not return the permission form will not be allowed to go on the field trip. Upper Learning Center students will receive their permission form this week. Parent/Teacher Conferences At Parent Orientation, I shared that we encourage you to be in the know about your child’s academics. If you haven’t already, you should be hearing from your child’s teacher to schedule a conference. During the day, teachers are very busy tending to the needs of their students. If you contact a teacher during the day, please give them time to respond, if it’s an emergency, please contact the office. Your questions and/or concerns are important to us, so we encourage you to schedule a time to meet with the teacher so they can give full attention to your needs. Having a scheduled meeting allows the teacher time to make arrangements to have someone cover the class so the student’s needs in the classroom are not put on hold. Canned Food Drive The Canned Food Drive started today!! All non-perishable food donated will go to the RBC food pantry, which will then be distributed to families in need for Thanksgiving. Rosanky Baptist Church has purchased turkeys to go along with the food that will be distributed. Also, don’t forget we have a friendly competition going on between classes. Whichever class brings in the most canned food and non-perishable food items wins a Pizza Party, and they get a week of wearing jeans to school. The Food Drive ends on November 22!! Noon Early Release NEXT Friday, November 22, is an early release day. There will be no after-school care on this day. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up at noon. Teachers will be on campus for half a day. RCA Thanksgiving Holiday Break November 25-29 is our Thanksgiving Holiday break. School will resume on December 1. We hope and pray everyone has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving! RCA Hoodies We have a limited amount of Adult-sized RCA Hoodies. If you would like to purchase one, please send $30 cash or check to school with your child. Hoodies will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. Have a blessed week, JR Regalado I hope everyone is having a great week!
I apologize, but for some reason this email did not send on Monday. I am resending it in hopes that you receive it. If you have any questions, please let me know. Today is the first day of the 2nd quarter. This week report cards will be sent home. When you receive your child’s report card, please sign it and have them return it to their teacher. Your student should have at least 3 stars in every subject (if on-level) and if your child has any gap subjects, they should have 4-6 stars per subject. Canned Food Drive The food drive kicks off on November 12. Each year we have a school-wide friendly competition to see which class can bring in the most canned/non-perishable food items. The winning class gets a pizza party, and they will get to wear jeans for ONE WHOLE WEEK! The canned food drive will run through November 22. Tuition Parents, please make sure you are current on your tuition payments. If you have questions about your tuition balance, please let us know. Pizza Party Winners: Thank you to everyone who participated so far in the Winter and Wreath fundraiser! LC 2 is the only class so far to have won a pizza party with the majority of the students participating in the fundraiser. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! We extended the deadline to this Thursday afternoon/Friday morning so there’s still a chance for the other classes to win a pizza party! Please feel free to text me with any questions at 832-616-1009 -Samantha Medina Winter Brochure Fundraiser: We ask that you make your final selections for the Winter brochure and Wreath fundraiser and submit the paper order forms no later than this Thursday afternoon or Friday morning (we will not be able to accept them past this date since the date has already been extended). Please text me with questions at 832-616-1009 Please note: the online ordering for Winter Brochure and Wreaths is still OPEN and available! -Samantha Medina Reminders: Veterans Day November 11th – No School (RCA staff and student holiday) Canned Food Drive November 12th - Friendly classroom competition In His service, Bro. JR |
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