Monday Letter Week of Sep. 30th9/30/2024 Welcome to October!
Is anyone else looking forward to some cooler weather? We are now in the 5th week of the 1st quarter. Your child’s Progress Report will be sent home in the Parent Envelope (Learning Center 3 and up) next week. Please make sure you review your child’s progress thus far. Remember that to be eligible for the Honor Roll field trip at the end of the quarter, your student must be completing the required number of Paces per quarter (3 per subject if on-level, 4-6 per quarter if behind in any subject), have an average of 88 or above, have less than 5 tardies, and must have said their class scripture 7 out of the 9 weeks of the quarter. They must also not have repeated disciplinary issues. CALENDAR CORRECTION We try to schedule all early release days on the Friday before a holiday break. I apologize!!! I just noticed there is an error on the calendar. NOON EARLY RELEASE IS NEXT FRIDAY, NOT THIS FRIDAY. Picture Day THIS WEDNESDAY is picture day. Please refer to the email sent out last week for more details and information. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO HAVE EVERYONE HERE ON WEDNESDAY. There is a lot of work that goes into scheduling and preparing for the yearbook. It is a challenge to reschedule and retake class pictures so please have your child at school on Wednesday. If your child is sick we understand they can’t be at school, but for all others PLEASE be here for picture day. Fall Individuals Online Order link: Class Groups Online Order link: Kinder Grad Online Order link: Hearing and Vision Screening The hearing and vision screening permission slip will go home next Monday. Please complete the permission slip and return it to your child’s teacher by next Wednesday. The screening will be at school on Wednesday, October 9th. Noon Early Release NEXT Friday, students will be released from school at 12:00 pm. There will be no after school childcare. School Holiday Columbus Day is October 14th, RCA will be closed. Christmas in October Mark your calendars for our annual Christmas in October event on Wednesday, October 30th! From 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. We will have food and Christmas-themed games. Christmas in October is our annual Toy Drive, to help needy families over the holidays. This year, instead of toys, we will be collecting Gift Cards. At Christmas in October, we will have a tree for you to hang your cards on. Please plan to be here for this event! Have a great day and a wonderful week,
Current Student Enrollment Open3/25/2024 Good afternoon, RCA Family!
Today is the first day of the 4th quarter. This week Report Cards will be sent home in your blue Parent Envelope. The 4th quarter officially ends with the last day of school on Friday, May17, 2024 and our Awards Assembly. The following week, May 20-22, only students in LC 5, 6 and 7 who have tests to complete may be asked to come to school. Please encourage your child to do extra work, if there is a need to do so. Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Early Enrollment Today begins early enrollment for current students. All students will receive a re-enrollment form in their Parent Envelope. To ensure your child has a place at RCA next year, please respond promptly. The early enrollment fee of $100 will only be good until Friday, April 5th - after that time it will increase to the current fee of $175. Parents, make sure if you wish to re-enroll your student(s), that you do so no later than Friday, April 5th, to receive the discount fee. Please understand that we can make no exceptions to this, as after this time we open enrollment to new students, and we must have an accurate assessment of each classroom's capacity. Tuition Our fundraiser this year was a success! Our totals show that we raised over $36,000. This will enable us to offset what tuition and fees do not cover for staff salaries and other expenses, and as we prepare to improve the school and upgrade/maintain the facilities. With that being said, we have made the prayerful decision to implement a slight increase in tuition for the 2024-2025 school year. Tuition for each returning student will increase $25 per month, per student ($225 per year). We strive to make attending RCA as affordable as possible; our fees are 40-60 percent below private schools in our area. Paid In Full Discount We are offering to all parents, a non-refundable repayment discount of 5% on their total annual tuition for all students enrolled, if paid in full by Thursday, August 1, 2024. This discount is for tuition only. Referral Incentive Let your family and friends know how much you love your school and refer them to RCA! We are now offering a $100 tuition credit-incentive for each student who enrolls in RCA (the new student must be enrolled through the first quarter). All $100 referrals will be credited to your tuition in December 2024. 2024-2025 Tuition Payment Schedule For the 2024-25 school year the first tuition payment will be due on August 1. The monthly tuition payment schedule will be August through January and March through May. In February of 2025, a non-refundable fee for books and enrollment will be due. Moving forward we will start including an RCA t-shirt in with the enrollment fee. Looking Forward Tuition for current 2023 students will start in August for the 2024 school year. In February of 2025 (next school year), the non-refundable enrollment and book fee will be due to guarantee your student’s place for the 2025-26 school year, and tuition payments will be August through January and March through May. This payment schedule adjustment is imperative to allow us to better prepare for the upcoming school year. 2024- 2025 RCA Tuition & Enrollment Schedule (for current students) April 5 Early Enrollment (returning student) includes T-Shirt $100 *After April 5 Enrollment Fee $175 August 26 Book Fees $375 Aug-Jan Monthly Tuition February 2025-2026 School Year Early Enrollment and Book Fee Mar-May Monthly Tuition Attached to this email you will find a copy of the Re-Enrollment Application and we will send a paper copy home this week in the blue Parent Envelope. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. In His service, JR Regalado I hope that you had a wonderful Presidents Day—and enjoyed the long weekend.
This is the 5th week of the 3rd quarter and this week your child’s Mid-quarter Progress Report will be sent home in the Parent Envelope. Please look it over carefully and make sure that if your child is on level, he/she is on schedule to complete at least 3 grades in each subject for this quarter. If your child is behind and not on level, he/she should be on schedule to complete more than 4 Paces in any subject in which they are behind. (All grades after 1/20/23 are for this quarter). We want each child to achieve Privilege Status for the quarter. Please discuss with your child’s teacher any concerns or questions you might have. Very soon, we will be opening pre-registration for all returning students. To guarantee your child will have a spot next year at RCA, you will need to respond quickly when re-enrollment opens. Watch for more information coming soon! Student Tardies School starts at 8:20 am. If your child is not at their class table by 8:20 am, they will be counted as tardy. Students who arrive after 8:20 am must report to the Fellowship Hall, and not hang out in the restrooms or hallways during our morning exercises. The exterior doors automatically lock at 8:25 am, students who show up after this time will need to be signed in by a parent or guardian. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please give me a call or stop by the office so we can discuss it. Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, masking the image of the Sun from the viewers on Earth. We wish for families to experience the Solar Eclipse together so RCA is giving students the day off. This day off is not on the school calendar. FUNDRAISER UPDATES THE FUNDRAISER IS (ALMOST) HERE: The BBQ Dinner and Auction is coming up NEXT Saturday—March 2!! Excitement is in the air as we are getting very close! It is IMPORTANT that we have your help and participation—so, PLEASE! PLEASE! Donate and solicit items for the auction, and keep selling those BBQ dinner tickets. Large Orders: We need to know if you, or anyone you have sold BBQ tickets to, will be coming in to get 10 or more plates at one time. We have a list of all large groups and get those orders ready in advance. Please call Mrs. Becky at 512-360-3109 or email [email protected] to let us know the name, number of plates, and the approximate time of pick up. Live Auction Items: We have some nice vacation, hunting, and sporting event packages for the auction, but we could use some items like furniture, BBQ pits, kitchenware, fire pits, home decor, and things of that nature. Please continue to reach out to family, friends, and businesses for donations for the Live Auction. If you have an item that needs to be picked up, please let us know so we can make arrangements to have it delivered to RCA. Blessings, JR Regalado February 5, 2024 Weekly Letter2/5/2024 Welcome to the first week in February, and our 3rd week of the 3rd quarter. We have two weeks until mid-quarter progress reports go home.
Kindergarten graduation is this Wednesday at 6:00 pm. We are excited for our LC 2 students and their BIG night! You are invited to join us, as we celebrate their accomplishments. Our class Valentines parties are next Wednesday, February 14th. Please review your child’s class group messages for more information. Fundraiser Reminders: The BBQ Auction Fundraiser is 4 weeks away! Parents, the next few weeks are critical–we must be out selling BBQ tickets and requesting donations for the auction. We also need each family to contribute and item or service toward the live auciton. Thank you for getting out there and spreading the word. Don’t forget to share the Facebook post advertising our fundraiser and auction items. 50/50 Raffle Tickets Raffle tickets are available! Any student who sells at least $100 in raffle tickets will get to wear jeans/PE clothes for one week. Donations If any parents are available to act as chaperones and take students out to speak to businesses about donations for the fundraiser, please let us know! Class Baskets Parents, all teachers sent information about your child’s class basket for the auction. We need everyone to be involved in helping contribute to the class basket. If you haven’t already, please communicate with your child’s teacher on how you plan to contribute. LC 7 Auction Setup On Friday, March 1, all LC7 students are required to be at school to help set up for the auction. If you have any questions about this, please contact me directly. Remember that tuition payments were due Feb. 1. Parents, please remember to reach out to me if for any reason your payment will not be received by the 5th of the month. Have a great week–we thank you for your prayers for RCA and the support you give the school. Blessings, JR Regalado, Principal |
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