Monday Letter Week of December 9th12/9/2024 Happy Monday!
This is our last full week of school before Christmas break. Remember, class Christmas parties are next Thursday, and we have noon early release. Progress Reports This week, progress reports will be sent home. Please review them, sign them, and have your child return them to their teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. Christmas Play Greetings, I can’t believe we are in our final week of rehearsals for the Christmas program. THIS SATURDAY, we have a mandatory rehearsal from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Learning Centers 1 and 2 will be dismissed a little earlier. On Sunday, please have your child at the Rosanky Baptist Church before 9:00 AM. Our service will start at 10:00 AM; you can hang out or visit a Sunday School class. Please invite your friends and family to worship with us!! I hope and pray everyone will receive a blessing from the students’ hard work and effort in putting this play together. It has brought me much joy to have the opportunity to work with them. Parents, THANK YOU! -Mrs. Terri Escobedo Christmas Spirit Week!! In the next couple of days, we will send out the theme for each day. Christmas Spirit Week is December 16-19. Calendar Reminders: Saturday, December 14 Mandatory Rehearsal Sunday, December 15 RCA/RBC Christmas play December 16 - 19 Christmas Spirit Week Thursday, December 19 Early release @ Noon (Christmas Parties) December 20 - January 8 Christmas Holiday Break Blessings, JR Regalado
Current Student Enrollment Open3/25/2024 Good afternoon, RCA Family!
Today is the first day of the 4th quarter. This week Report Cards will be sent home in your blue Parent Envelope. The 4th quarter officially ends with the last day of school on Friday, May17, 2024 and our Awards Assembly. The following week, May 20-22, only students in LC 5, 6 and 7 who have tests to complete may be asked to come to school. Please encourage your child to do extra work, if there is a need to do so. Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Early Enrollment Today begins early enrollment for current students. All students will receive a re-enrollment form in their Parent Envelope. To ensure your child has a place at RCA next year, please respond promptly. The early enrollment fee of $100 will only be good until Friday, April 5th - after that time it will increase to the current fee of $175. Parents, make sure if you wish to re-enroll your student(s), that you do so no later than Friday, April 5th, to receive the discount fee. Please understand that we can make no exceptions to this, as after this time we open enrollment to new students, and we must have an accurate assessment of each classroom's capacity. Tuition Our fundraiser this year was a success! Our totals show that we raised over $36,000. This will enable us to offset what tuition and fees do not cover for staff salaries and other expenses, and as we prepare to improve the school and upgrade/maintain the facilities. With that being said, we have made the prayerful decision to implement a slight increase in tuition for the 2024-2025 school year. Tuition for each returning student will increase $25 per month, per student ($225 per year). We strive to make attending RCA as affordable as possible; our fees are 40-60 percent below private schools in our area. Paid In Full Discount We are offering to all parents, a non-refundable repayment discount of 5% on their total annual tuition for all students enrolled, if paid in full by Thursday, August 1, 2024. This discount is for tuition only. Referral Incentive Let your family and friends know how much you love your school and refer them to RCA! We are now offering a $100 tuition credit-incentive for each student who enrolls in RCA (the new student must be enrolled through the first quarter). All $100 referrals will be credited to your tuition in December 2024. 2024-2025 Tuition Payment Schedule For the 2024-25 school year the first tuition payment will be due on August 1. The monthly tuition payment schedule will be August through January and March through May. In February of 2025, a non-refundable fee for books and enrollment will be due. Moving forward we will start including an RCA t-shirt in with the enrollment fee. Looking Forward Tuition for current 2023 students will start in August for the 2024 school year. In February of 2025 (next school year), the non-refundable enrollment and book fee will be due to guarantee your student’s place for the 2025-26 school year, and tuition payments will be August through January and March through May. This payment schedule adjustment is imperative to allow us to better prepare for the upcoming school year. 2024- 2025 RCA Tuition & Enrollment Schedule (for current students) April 5 Early Enrollment (returning student) includes T-Shirt $100 *After April 5 Enrollment Fee $175 August 26 Book Fees $375 Aug-Jan Monthly Tuition February 2025-2026 School Year Early Enrollment and Book Fee Mar-May Monthly Tuition Attached to this email you will find a copy of the Re-Enrollment Application and we will send a paper copy home this week in the blue Parent Envelope. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. In His service, JR Regalado October 30th Letter10/30/2023 I’m almost convinced Texas only has 2 seasons, summer and winter. I must say it sure is nice having some cooler weather.
Today is the beginning of Week 9 and report cards will be sent out next Thursday. Please get with your child to ensure they are on target to complete their projection goals. If you have any questions please reach out to your child’s teacher. Christmas in October report - We had a great time! Everyone seemed to have fun playing the Christmas-themed games, playing outside, eating the nachos and hotdogs, and we had a special appearance from the Dan Band! Didn’t the band do a great job?! Here are the Christmas in October Learning Center Winners: LC 3 Mrs. Jeanette’s Class and LC 6 Mr. Dan’s Class I want to give a big THANK YOU, to everyone who had a part in decorating, volunteering at the game stations, serving food, and most importantly those who donated toys. Because of your generosity, we will be able to bless many families for Christmas. Veterans Chapel Service - We are still looking for Veterans who would like to speak at Chapel on Wednesday, November 8. If you would like to speak to the kids or know someone interested, please let your child’s teacher know so we can contact them. Field Trips - Your child’s teacher will be contacting you soon to share field trip information, for those who met their requirements during the 1st nine weeks. Thanksgiving Can Food Drive - On November 1, we will start collecting canned food and non-perishable food items for the RBC Food Pantry. The RBC Food Pantry serves the community with groceries twice a month and during the holiday seasons, they see an increase in families needing assistance. To encourage the kids to bring food items we will have a pizza party for the class that collects the most food. Christmas Play at RBC - Last year the kids did a fabulous job putting on the Christmas play and many students regretted not getting involved. As crazy as it might seem, Christmas is right around the corner! Below you will find a link to sign up your child for the Christmas play. This year Mr. Dan and Mrs. Elaine will be heading this up. Parent volunteers are always appreciated and welcomed. We can use your help with costumes and stage production. Please click on the link below to sign up. Stay warm, be filled, JR Regalado School Calendar 2023-20248/16/2023 ![]()
School Calendar 2022-20239/6/2022 |
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