Weekly Letter February 3, 20252/3/2025 Welcome to the first week in February, and our 3rd week of the 3rd quarter.
Kindergarten graduation is this Wednesday at 6:00 pm. We are excited for our LC 2 students and their BIG night! You are invited to join us, as we celebrate their accomplishments. Our class Valentine's Day Parties are next Friday, February 14th. Please review your child’s class group messages for more information. The BBQ Auction Fundraiser is 3 weeks away! Parents, the next few weeks are critical–we must be out selling BBQ tickets and requesting donations for the auction. We also need each family to contribute an item or service toward the live auction. Thank you for getting out there and spreading the word. Don’t forget to share the Facebook post advertising our fundraiser and auction items. Beans: We are looking for volunteers to help cook pinto beans for the fundraiser meal. If you can help with this, please let us know. We will provide everything needed to cook them. Donations: If any parents are available to act as chaperones and take students out to speak to businesses about donations for the fundraiser, please let us know Class Baskets: Parents, teachers sent information about your child’s class basket for the auction. We need everyone to be involved in contributing to the class basket. If you haven’t already, please communicate with your child’s teacher on how you plan to contribute. LC7 Auction Setup: On Friday, February 1, all LC7 students are required to be at school to help set up for the auction. If you have any questions about this, please contact me directly. Tuition Payments: Remember that tuition payments are due on the first of the month. Parents, please remember to reach out to me if, for any reason, your payment will not be received by the 5th of the month. Early Enrollment: This month we are accepting early enrollment applications for the 2025-2026 school year. We are excited for siblings who will be joining us next year, but early enrollment is for current students only. After February 28, early enrollment will be closed; roster spots will be made available to students on the waitlist and new incoming students. Music Lessons: We have a music teacher interested in teaching ukulele, piano, and vocal lessons at RCA. Music lessons will be for students 5 years old and older. Lessons will be $20 per lesson. Later in the week, I will email a survey for you to fill out if you are interested in music lessons for your child. Upcoming Events: February 11: LC 3&4 Field Trip February 13: LC 1&2 Field trip February 17: President's Day (RCA Holiday) February 18: 100th Day of School February 22: RCA BBQ Fundraiser Have a great week–we thank you for your prayers for RCA and the support you give the school. Blessings, JR Regalado, Principal
Weekly Letter January 28th1/28/2025 January 28, 2025
Welcome to the 2nd week of the 3rd quarter. I pray everyone received a good word and had a great worship experience at church yesterday. We are excited to kick off the week with some wonderful weather! Kinder Graduation Mark your calendar for our Kinder Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, February 5 at 6:00 pm. Come support these excited kids as they walk across the stage. Dress Code Around this time of year we start seeing growth spurts. Please ensure students wear school clothes that meet our Dress Code (found in the Student Handbook). Boys should wear solid-colored pants and shirts, tucked in, with a belt. Girls are to wear solid color or plaid skirts or dresses, to the knee (in the front and the back), with a solid polo. Polo dresses are permitted. Girls are recommended to wear shorts, solid-color tights, or solid-color leggings under skirts. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to me. 100th Day of School We are moving our 100th Day of School celebration to February 20th. We will send out more information as we get closer to the date. Fundraiser Donations If any parents are available to act as chaperones and take students out to speak to businesses about donations for the fundraiser, please let us know! Fundraiser Donation Items The collective effort of our staff, students, and parents determines the fundraiser's success. We need everyone to get involved. Parents, we are asking each family to contribute/secure at least one item to be entered in the Live Auction. Parents, thank you for getting out and asking businesses for donations and to be a sponsor. We are so excited to see the support for our fundraiser and the donations already coming in. Remember to check the Google Doc online to see which businesses we have already visited and also to update whom you have contacted. There are lots of businesses that have online forms you can fill out from the comfort of your home, and we’ve already received several donations this way. Have a great week! Blessings, JR Regalado Weekly Letter January 22nd1/22/2025 Happy Wednesday!
I pray everyone had an enjoyable extended weekend. This morning I encouraged the students to consider the days left in the week and to make sure they are working with effort in the classroom. If you have any questions about your child’s academic status, please contact their teacher. “Thank you!”, to everyone one who attended the BBQ Parent Meeting last week. In the next few days, I will send out an email with more information regarding the fundraiser and attached will be the forms that were handed out. If you prefer a paper copy, please email me and let me know so I can send it home with your child. Kinder Graduation Mark your calendar for our Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, February 5 at 6:00 pm. Come support these excited kids as they walk across the stage. It is sure to be a fun evening. Donations If any parents are available to act as chaperones and take students out to speak to businesses about donations for the fundraiser, please let me know! As you sell BBQ tickets, remember to turn in the funds received to the school office. I can provide a receipt for the money you have turned in. Please do not send your student to school with cash or checks that can be misplaced—we need to make sure that all of the funds turned in are properly accounted for. You may also drop the money in the drop box located next to the Principal’s office--just fill out the yellow slip so that we may properly account for what is turned in. Report Cards Report Cards will be sent home in your child’s blue envelope this week. Please review them, sign them, and have your child return them to their teacher. Early Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year In the blue envelope that will be sent home this week you will find an Early Renrollment Application form. Please look for the ‘2025-26 RCA Early Enrollment’ email it will give detailed information regarding enrollment for next year. School Supplies Please check with your teacher on supplies needed in the classroom. Most students are running low on tissue boxes and writing utensils. Have a blessed evening, Bro. JR Weekly Letter December 16th12/16/2024 Happy Monday!
This week is short before being dismissed for Christmas break. Remember, class Christmas parties are on Thursday and we have Noon early release. BBQ Tickets BBQ tickets will be sent home this week! As a reminder, each family with one student is required to sell 20 tickets. Each family with more than one student is required to sell 20 tickets for the first student, and each additional RCA student must sell 15 tickets. The BBQ Auction and Fundraiser is on February 22. Class Christmas Parties You should have received information from your child’s teacher regarding class Christmas parties. Please look at our classroom group chat to retrieve information about the parties. I pray that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. This Sunday, December 22, RBC is having a Candlelight Service at 6:00 pm. We invite you and your family to join us. Calendar Reminders: Thursday, December 19 - Class Christmas Parties and Early Release @ Noon Sunday, December 22 - Christmas Candlelight Service @6:00 pm December 20 - January 7 - RCA Christmas Break January 8 - Classes Resume @8:20 am In His service, JR Regalado Monday Letter Week of December 9th12/9/2024 Happy Monday!
This is our last full week of school before Christmas break. Remember, class Christmas parties are next Thursday, and we have noon early release. Progress Reports This week, progress reports will be sent home. Please review them, sign them, and have your child return them to their teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. Christmas Play Greetings, I can’t believe we are in our final week of rehearsals for the Christmas program. THIS SATURDAY, we have a mandatory rehearsal from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Learning Centers 1 and 2 will be dismissed a little earlier. On Sunday, please have your child at the Rosanky Baptist Church before 9:00 AM. Our service will start at 10:00 AM; you can hang out or visit a Sunday School class. Please invite your friends and family to worship with us!! I hope and pray everyone will receive a blessing from the students’ hard work and effort in putting this play together. It has brought me much joy to have the opportunity to work with them. Parents, THANK YOU! -Mrs. Terri Escobedo Christmas Spirit Week!! In the next couple of days, we will send out the theme for each day. Christmas Spirit Week is December 16-19. Calendar Reminders: Saturday, December 14 Mandatory Rehearsal Sunday, December 15 RCA/RBC Christmas play December 16 - 19 Christmas Spirit Week Thursday, December 19 Early release @ Noon (Christmas Parties) December 20 - January 8 Christmas Holiday Break Blessings, JR Regalado Weekly Letter December 2, 202412/2/2024 December is here. I know the students are excited for Christmas and so am I! What a blessing that as we enter into the Christmas season, we know the true meaning of Christmas and have the freedom to celebrate it not only in our churches and homes but at our school.
If your student is behind in any subjects, he or she may have their goals increased and/or be required to do extra work so that they may catch up before the end of the quarter. At the start of the quarter, we let all students know this was a short quarter with the holiday breaks and they will need to be diligent in the classroom. Winter Wreath Fundraiser The totals are in! Our RCA students raised $1,976.50. A big “THANK YOU!” to everyone who participated and helped raise money for the classrooms. Canned Food Drive RCA Students collected over 1,300 items for our canned food drive. We are so thankful for everyone who contributed. Congratulations to LC 1& LC2!! They were the winners of our Collection Contest. LC1 & LC2 will get to wear jeans for the next 2 weeks, and they also won a pizza party!! Because all of our students went above and beyond, LC 3-7 will get to wear jeans for a week, starting next Monday. Christmas Classroom Parties Later this week, teachers will be sharing information about their classroom Christmas Party. Please be on the lookout for a message in your classroom group chat. RCA/RBC Christmas Play On December 15, at 10 am, our students will be putting on a Christmas play titled ‘Unto Us a Child Is Born…’. This is always a sweet time, and the kids always do a great job. We invite you and your family to be our guests. Calendar Reminders: December 6 - Scripture Memorization Due December 9 - Mid-Quarter Progress Reports will be sent out this week December 15 - RCA/RBC Christmas program ‘Unto Us A Child Is Born’ December 16-19 - Christmas Spirit Week (Themes will be sent out next Monday) December 19 - Early Release @ Noon (Christmas Parties) Have a blessed week, JR Regalado Weekly Letter November 12th11/11/2024 Happy Monday!
It’s crazy to think Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I try to reflect on what I am thankful for. Today and every day, I am thankful for our RCA teachers and staff. Our staff cares about our RCA students, and their love for them goes beyond your child's academics, they are selfless, they put in a lot of effort to meet the students' needs, and most importantly, they all share a desire for our RCA students to have a relationship with Jesus. Field Trips If you have received a field trip permission form, please return it to your child’s teacher. Students who do not return the permission form will not be allowed to go on the field trip. Upper Learning Center students will receive their permission form this week. Parent/Teacher Conferences At Parent Orientation, I shared that we encourage you to be in the know about your child’s academics. If you haven’t already, you should be hearing from your child’s teacher to schedule a conference. During the day, teachers are very busy tending to the needs of their students. If you contact a teacher during the day, please give them time to respond, if it’s an emergency, please contact the office. Your questions and/or concerns are important to us, so we encourage you to schedule a time to meet with the teacher so they can give full attention to your needs. Having a scheduled meeting allows the teacher time to make arrangements to have someone cover the class so the student’s needs in the classroom are not put on hold. Canned Food Drive The Canned Food Drive started today!! All non-perishable food donated will go to the RBC food pantry, which will then be distributed to families in need for Thanksgiving. Rosanky Baptist Church has purchased turkeys to go along with the food that will be distributed. Also, don’t forget we have a friendly competition going on between classes. Whichever class brings in the most canned food and non-perishable food items wins a Pizza Party, and they get a week of wearing jeans to school. The Food Drive ends on November 22!! Noon Early Release NEXT Friday, November 22, is an early release day. There will be no after-school care on this day. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up at noon. Teachers will be on campus for half a day. RCA Thanksgiving Holiday Break November 25-29 is our Thanksgiving Holiday break. School will resume on December 1. We hope and pray everyone has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving! RCA Hoodies We have a limited amount of Adult-sized RCA Hoodies. If you would like to purchase one, please send $30 cash or check to school with your child. Hoodies will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. Have a blessed week, JR Regalado I hope everyone is having a great week!
I apologize, but for some reason this email did not send on Monday. I am resending it in hopes that you receive it. If you have any questions, please let me know. Today is the first day of the 2nd quarter. This week report cards will be sent home. When you receive your child’s report card, please sign it and have them return it to their teacher. Your student should have at least 3 stars in every subject (if on-level) and if your child has any gap subjects, they should have 4-6 stars per subject. Canned Food Drive The food drive kicks off on November 12. Each year we have a school-wide friendly competition to see which class can bring in the most canned/non-perishable food items. The winning class gets a pizza party, and they will get to wear jeans for ONE WHOLE WEEK! The canned food drive will run through November 22. Tuition Parents, please make sure you are current on your tuition payments. If you have questions about your tuition balance, please let us know. Pizza Party Winners: Thank you to everyone who participated so far in the Winter and Wreath fundraiser! LC 2 is the only class so far to have won a pizza party with the majority of the students participating in the fundraiser. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! We extended the deadline to this Thursday afternoon/Friday morning so there’s still a chance for the other classes to win a pizza party! Please feel free to text me with any questions at 832-616-1009 -Samantha Medina Winter Brochure Fundraiser: We ask that you make your final selections for the Winter brochure and Wreath fundraiser and submit the paper order forms no later than this Thursday afternoon or Friday morning (we will not be able to accept them past this date since the date has already been extended). Please text me with questions at 832-616-1009 Please note: the online ordering for Winter Brochure and Wreaths is still OPEN and available! -Samantha Medina Reminders: Veterans Day November 11th – No School (RCA staff and student holiday) Canned Food Drive November 12th - Friendly classroom competition In His service, Bro. JR Week of October 28th10/28/2024 This week is the final week of the first Quarter. Please check with your child to ensure they are on target to complete their projected goals. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Christmas in October This Wednesday, from 6:30 pm -8:00 pm, is Christmas in October. This year, we will be collecting gift cards. Everything collected will be given to families in need during the Christmas season, we will also be including toys and food for a Christmas meal. Please come support this effort. We can use volunteers to help with the games and the hayride and we can use cakes or cupcakes for the cakewalk. Veterans Chapel Service We are still looking for Veterans who would like to speak at Chapel on Wednesday, November 6 at 10:30 AM. If you would like to speak to the kids or know someone interested, please let your child’s teacher know or fill out the online form so we can contact them. Veterans Day Chapel Service Signup Form Field Trips Your child’s teacher will be contacting you soon to share field trip information for those who met their academic requirements during the 1st nine weeks and had fewer than 5 tardies for the quarter. Christmas Play at RBC Last year, the kids did a fabulous job putting on the Christmas play, and many students regretted not getting involved. As crazy as it might seem, Christmas is right around the corner! Below, you will find a link to sign up your child for the Christmas play. This year, Mrs. Terri Escobedo will be heading this up. Parent volunteers are always appreciated and welcomed. We can use your help with costumes and stage production. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Mrs. Terri by email at [email protected]. Christmas Play Signup Form In His service, Bro. JR Regalado Weekly Letter October 7th10/7/2024 I hope and pray everyone had a great Monday!
This week your child’s Progress Report will be sent home. Please make sure you review your child’s progress thus far. Remember that to be eligible for the Honor Roll field trip at the end of the quarter, your student must be completing the required number of Paces per quarter (3 per subject if on-level, 4-6 per quarter if behind in any subject), have an average of 88 or above, they must have said their class scripture 7 out of the 9 weeks of the quarter, and have less than 5 tardies for the quarter. They must also not have repeated disciplinary issues. Hearing and Vision Screening The permission slip for the hearing and vision screening went home today. Please complete the permission slip and return it to your child’s teacher by this Wednesday. The screening will be at the school THIS Wednesday, October 9th. Early Release On Friday, students will be released from school at noon. No School Columbus Day is October 14th, RCA will be closed. Christmas in October Mark your calendars for our Christmas in October event on Wednesday, October 30th! From 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, we will have food and Christmas-themed games. Christmas in October is our annual Toy Drive to help needy families over the holidays. This year, instead of toys, we will be collecting gift cards. Our goal is to bless families this year with food, toys, and gift cards. ‘Winter Wonderland’ October Fundraiser Last week, I sent out an email with all the information for the fundraiser. We hope every student will get involved in helping raise funds for their classroom. Please note that this fundraiser is replacing the Schoolstore fundraiser the students participated in in the past few years. We encourage everyone to get involved. We will begin handing out the registration prizes this week to the kids who have already registered online. It's very easy to qualify, just register your child online, and then we will be notified to give your child a prize. Need registration support? If you need assistance, please reach out to Samantha Medina by email at [email protected] or text at 832-616-1009. For more information you can visit the Help Section at www.RosankyCA.org/Winter Parent Group A "Parents Supporting RCA Teachers" group was created by Samantha Medina. If you would like to be part of this group please join GroupMe at https://groupme.com/join_group/103814484/gTYGiGiP The purpose of this group is to know about the needs the teachers have in the classroom and to share creative ways we can express love and support throughout the school year. Have a blessed week! |
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